ADHD Assessment

Your go-to in the Kansas City area for ADHD formal assessment and treatment!

Modern Society Demands More Attention Than We Can Give

You might be genetically predisposed to struggle with attention. The modern world is built to highlight these natural deficits in real-time.

Are your loved ones, teachers, or bosses complaining that you’re not paying attention, disorganized, missing deadlines or social events, too impulsive, too impatient, overly restless, or even too perfectionistic?

Maybe it’s hard for you to “go with the flow” and others just don’t understand why you get so frustrated with things happening around you.

You or your teen/college student may have undiagnosed ADHD or a related mental health concern. In fact, one leading ADHD researcher, Len Adler, MD, believes that up to 75% of adults may have ADHD and not even know it!

Formal Assessment and Treatment

I specialize in treating and formally assessing for ADHD in teens and adults who are experiencing difficulties staying focused, concentrating, accomplishing tasks, or maintaining appropriate attentional boundaries and self-control in social, academic, and professional settings.

If you or your teen/college student is challenged with chronic procrastination, perfectionism, weak self-motivation, difficulty managing distractions or competing tasks, and it has begun to negatively impact relationships or performance at work or school, you may benefit from a formal ADHD evaluation and follow-on treatment.

Sometimes “ADHD symptoms” point to an ADHD diagnosis, and other times your symptoms more accurately represent related mental health concerns like anxiety or depression.

I’ll work with you or your teen/college student to identify the root of attentional or behavioral issues through formal ADHD assessment. Then, we will collaboratively develop a treatment plan to manage symptoms through counseling and direct referral to a qualified psychiatrist for medication, if necessary.  

ADHD Assessment Approach

-Initial Consultation: I’ll gather some important preliminary information from you about your history of attentional issues, and we’ll talk about the assessment process and what you can expect during testing and feedback.

-Testing: You’ll undertake a continuous performance computer-based assessment designed to test for the presence of attentional and auditory processing problems. This part usually takes about 30 minutes to complete.

– Final Report and Feedback: I’ll evaluate the results of your continuous performance test, coupled with your personal history gathered at our consultation to develop a detailed report with overall results and conclusions.

I’ll invite you for a final feedback session to go over the report and discuss next steps and appropriate treatment options. 

ADHD Treatment Approach

Based on the nature and severity of your ADHD symptoms, a treatment plan may consist of either or both of the following


      Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) – this therapy approach is widely regarded as the most successful one for ADHD. We’ll look at how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors influence your ADHD symptoms to begin building better habits that will minimize your symptoms and help you function and feel better. We’ll address:
            • “All or Nothing” thinking
            • Negative Focus
            • Catastrophizing
            • Procrastination
            • Hyperfocus
            • Distractibility


      Should your symptoms warrant medication (most common for more severe ADHD), I will provide an appropriate referral for you to see a psychiatrist. I am happy to consult with your chosen provider to ensure you get the most complete care.

        Benefits of formal ADHD evaluation:

        • Identification of root causes of attentional, behavioral, or mood issues
        • Proper diagnosis to inform a more effective treatment approach
        • Obtain a documented reasonable accommodation to perform better in work or school
        • Understanding and acceptance from other family members (and likely more solid support from loved ones)
        • Improved self-understanding and self-acceptance regarding attentional and behavioral challenges
        • The first step to improved functioning and quality of life living in the modern “Attention Industrial Complex”

        Benefits of Targeted and Comprehensive ADHD Treatment

        • Better self-esteem
        • Lower levels of depression and anxiety
        • Improved relationships
        • Better job security and improved work performance
        • Less conflicts in parent-child relationships
        • Less probability to misuse drugs or alcohol
        • Decreased early mortality
        • Improved overall quality of life

        Fee: $499 – Includes initial consultation, testing, final report and feedback session

        *Payment due at time of service – Payment Methods: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, FSA/HRA cards.

        Certifications & Affiliations

        As required by the State of Kansas for clinical training purposes, I practice under clinical supervisor Amanda Petrik-Gardner, LCPC 2245